It’s not uncommon to see parents scrambling around to get their children to eat healthy meals. In fact, it’s a typical occurrence. The common denominator of these situations is something seemingly innocuous, lack of knowledge. Parents and caretakers don’t know exactly how to make their children’s food nutritional and appealing. Because let’s face it: many choices are less than pretty. But today you’ll see just how simple it is to make healthy meals packed with nutrients and flavor. These will be things your little ones would devour without much thought!
Your children’s food guide with healthy alternatives!
It’s important you know that one of the things that make children food healthy is the small things. Minuscule changes can make a huge difference when it comes to nourishment. Now, to stay on top of that, follow the list to know the tips that will make a difference and that will help you give them a balanced and delicious meal.
- Always pack in veggies: the more, the better. If you encourage your children to try bits and pieces of vegetables from early on, they’ll be more open to more adventurous choices in the future. Even when they’re grown up, add in at least one-half portion of vegetables, to add in nutrients and minerals to their diets.
- Don’t forget a portion of protein: this can be animal or vegetal according to your particular taste. Protein is fundamental for a healthy meal, that’s why this is your chance to get creative. You can make crunchy tofu, pulled chicken, soy pasta meat; you name it! Just make sure to add at least the size of their hand as a portion.
- Beware of carbohydrates: carbs, carbs, carbs, what are we going to do with you? They’re not as bad as people make them look like. In fact, you need carbs in your body, somewhat. That doesn’t mean you have to overdo it. Combine complex carbs, more than simple ones and limit the portion to a third of the whole meal.
- Use the right seasoning: now that we’re here, it is important that you know that not all meals need to be overly seasoned. Sometimes salt and garlic do the trick! You can add natural spices, like thyme or basil. Avoid the pre-made seasonings, too. These often contain more salt than necessary and added chemicals (stabilizers, colorants, etc.) You can make most of them combining the natural seasonings at home.
- Pop in color: healthy meals contain color. Most veggies contain a hefty dose of nutrients, that’s why you need to pop in at least a portion and a half in their plates. And make it colorful: it will make meals much more visually appealing.
- Avoid soft drinks: these are without a doubt, one of the worst things you can give your child. They’re not only packed with chemicals but full of sugar. That will give them a rush that will leave them tired and moody right after it wears off. Instead, add refreshments such as water with a bit of lime, infusions, cold teas (red tea, for example.)
- Bake, instead of frying: the comfort of greasy food doesn’t have to be that way for children. You can substitute any greasy product with a bake-off, making it crunchy but less heavy on their tummies.
- Substitute processed sugar: this is one of the main concerns of parents. Processed sugar is a complicated affair in nutrition. You can find alternatives for natural sugar, such as fruit-based salad or snacks. And if sugar is a must, then Stevian Forte is a great substitute!
Ready to give your child the nutrition they need to grow healthily? Then it’s time to take charge and make small but significant changes. Let us know your experience making healthy meals right here in the comment section!
Stevian Forte, all the sweetness with no bitterness!
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