Sometimes, our body doesn’t feel right; we feel bloated and sluggish, not healthy at all. It is because there is an excess of toxins we need to get rid of! Detox drinks are perfect for cleansing and purifying our organism. Detox drinks not just clean our body but make us feel lighter and increase our energy level. It can help us losing weight and get started with a healthy life. Detox drinks are the perfect way to complement a healthy diet; they are natural and easy to prepare. Keep reading to learn how to make the best drinks for cleaning your organism.
Purifies the body and prevents constipation.
What you need:
- ¼ pineapple.
- 1 cucumber.
- Aloe vera gel.
- 1 green apple.
- Water.
- Wash all the ingredients.
- Take an aloe vera leaf, split it, and extract the gel.
- Peel off the pineapple and cut it into cubes.
- Cut the cucumber and the apple in slices.
- Process the ingredients in a blender with 8 fl. oz. of water.
Powerful antioxidant: boosts immunity, flush out ammonia (very toxic for our body) and aids digestion.
What you need:
- Watermelon.
- Pineapple.
- Tender coconut water.
- Mint leaves.
- Cut all the fruits into small cubes.
- Put the fruits and the coconut water into a jar.
- Leave it overnight in the fridge.
- Add mint leaves.
Prevent kidney stones and fluid retention, strengthen the immune system, level cholesterol and improve skin’s health.
What we need:
- 5 oranges.
- 3 kiwis.
- Squeeze the oranges to extract the juice.
- Peel off the kiwis and cut them into small pieces.
- Process the ingredients in a blender.
Antioxidant, expel toxins, good for heart, skin and bones.
What we need
- 1 tomato.
- 1 steak of leek.
- ½ cucumber
- Mint leaves.
- Water.
- Chop the vegetables
- Process all the ingredients in a blender with 8 fl. oz. of water.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory; relaxes the stomach muscles. Helps in regulating the blood sugar levels.
What we need:
- 4 strawberries.
- 1 kiwi.
- A slice of watermelon.
- Mint leaves.
- Water.
- Cut the strawberries and the kiwi into slices.
- Cut the slice of watermelon into little cubes.
- Add the ingredients to a jar with 12 fl. oz. of water.
- Leave it overnight.
Consume detox drinks before breakfast and complement it with a balanced meal. Detox drinks can also be consumed at any time of the day as a replacement for unhealthy snacks.
If you want to use a sweetener in any of your detox drinks, it will be highly recommendable to use Stevian Forte. It would not interfere with the detoxification process because It’s 100% gluten-free, non-GMO and safe for people with diabetes.
Stevian Forte, your healthy alternative.
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