This for That: Make Healthier Choices at Supermarket. Part 2

Help yourself to create better habits and look for healthier choices at the moment of doing supermarket shopping. Get to know all the options there are to keep a balanced diet. Learn the difference between the food that’s good for you and the one you should avoid, or simply take these suggestions as part of […]

Hormones, Are They Working Right? Find it Out!

Hormones have control of absolutely everything in our body: our mood, our feelings, our energy, our appetite, our sexual desire, our weight… everything. Hormones work as a team, they all need to be in the right place, right time, and the right amount, so they don’t affect the proper function of others. When one of […]

What You Can Eat Trying Vegan Food

Many people are intrigued by vegan food, even though they don’t practice vegan life. In case you are one of these people, here we have some ideas to spend an entire day eating different options! With easy recipes that you can adjust to your taste. Whether you’re already into the lifestyle or not, use this […]

Discover How to Control Anxiety and Appetite

People often get these feelings of anxiety which make them want to eat more and in an uncontrollable way. The key to avoid this is having a healthy diet that keeps you satisfied during the day. Know and learn how to have a healthier lifestyle to keep you from anxiety and appetite. Why is important […]

Is it Good to Workout While Sick? Here We Tell You!

A lot of people wonders if it’s okay to workout while sick. Many of them abstain themselves from exercising, and others push themselves into doing it while feeling down. But, which is the right way to deal with a sickness or a malaise? Staying strong or resting for a couple of days? Keep reading here […]