For most of us, our daily lives are pretty straightforward. Many of us go about our day without really putting much effort into the nutritional facts of our meal or the ingredients in this or that. But for some people, this is not a possibility. They need to be extra careful when eating their meals and for a good reason. Celiac disease is the inability of someone’s digestive system to process gluten. This means that most of their nutrition has to be carefully planned out to stay 100% gluten-free. And no, this is not a trend or a fad, it’s a medical diagnosis. So, is it a living style or a diet? It’s time to know all about it.
About the gluten-free life
Gluten is a significant component of most western diets. From pancakes to spaghetti and other complex carbs like bread, you can find gluten in a variety of presentations. And when the celiac disease became a national health concern, some flags were raised in the food area for that exact reason. Diets that rely so heavily on gluten-rich products are not a choice for people with celiac disease, as others with food allergies and other conditions that prevent them from eating gluten. That’s when gluten-free diets arose, and product makers took a turn in that direction.
Nowadays you can find products that are correctly labeled as gluten-free, and that contain no traces of these kinds of compounds. This means that people’s diets are richer and far easier to accomplish. But with the term, the question arises: why are people willingly going gluten-free when it’s such a hassle? The answer is simple: a popular albeit wrong belief that it’s something aside of an enforced lifestyle.
The culture of gluten-free has created a lot of issues for those that are really limited by this condition. Many are deciding to go gluten-free without knowing the bigger consequences of said “miracle diet.” While it shows some benefits, people that don’t need to be gluten-free by medical indication could not be getting the nutrients they need for their body. They deprive themselves of the complex carbohydrates that come from many gluten products by no other reason than being part of the trend. This has also impacted heavily on those riddled by the forced lack of gluten: the common denominator in popular culture is that it is a diet, not a medically indicated situation.
So if you’re ever in doubt remember: unless you’re medically indicated, you should not take a gluten-free diet. It’s a lifestyle for some that need it to live fulfilling lives without medical issues relating to gluten. You can be an active participant in movements to encourage companies to offer more gluten-free products but unless indicated, don’t use it as a diet. It’s a complicated and hard health choice for some.
Here at Stevian Forte, we believe in the power of sweetness to change lives. That’s why we made sure to offer a product that’s 100% gluten-free, for these people to have alternatives to make their meal choices easier and sweeter.
Stevian Forte, your healthy alternative.
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